
arts of the earth: The Learning Hub

By learning beyond the books we bring creativity and the arts to (your) life

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About Us

At arts of the earth, we have created a future-directed Learning Hub in which everything evolves around a world in which people from all different backgrounds and abilities are welcome. We have designed a learning world in which participants of diverse backgrounds can thrive and connect to their creative and artistic roots. The visual arts and creativity are a way of life for us, an approach to creative self-expression, and a key to opens new doors to meet some of the challenges of learning and living the 21st centuries and a rapidly changing world world.

We present unique learning materials, workshops and resources to build creative communities. What we do and how we teach adheres to international standards and contemporary pedagogies and practices. Grounded in the seminal work of its founder, Dr Esther Joosa (PhD) who worked in many different communities across the globe. With more than 30 years of teaching experience in many settings a- she developed her own interesting methods that centre on co-creation and community building. Within the Learning Hub, she shares her knowledge with you, empowers you, and guides your pursuit in exploring and discovering the power of creativity and the arts.

What we offer!

arts of the earth learning huboffers something uniquely yours and for you to share in your organisation, home or community. In each of our courses, workshops or community engagements we let you discover your creative inner self through art or play and how you can support others. We show you how you can make your creativity a gift to the world, and use it to connect with others. Once you realise your creative potential, you never seem to use it all up!

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Resources and insights to gain inspiration, building confidence, knowledge and skills

Plant based balanced meal plans

A wide range of professional Development Courses: Blended learning, Live Sessions and Individualised Support

Meal plans for diabetics

As part of our unique education goals we have introduce global creative community building through shared sialogue

Your Experiences, Our Focus

Discover how at our Learning Hub we extend learning beyond the books withour range of professional development courses, individualised training workshops, coaching and community.

At our Learning Hub we learn beyond the books. Find out more about our unique learning approach.

Esther Joosa (PhD)Founder Arts of the Earth

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Explore our Communities


Parent Communities

While parenting does have its challenges, it also brings along immense joys. We have created several communities in which we discuss the potential of creativity and the arts for child(ren)'s holistic growth and 21st century learning and living.


Early Childhood Teaching Communities

Creativity, play and the arts bring infinite opportunities for teaching. We have also created a creative book club in which we introduce and feature each month book resources for teaching and learning.


Special Education, Disability and Art Communities

We offer several communities which you can join if you have a disability and enjoy the arts, you work in special education, or social support organisations.

Read our Blog for our Experiences and our Focus

CTA Link

Frequently Asked Questions

"Discover the potential of creativity and the arts by unlocking your imagination: Where Creativity Thrives in Online Learning!"

How is Arts of the Earth and the learning from other creative learning providers t?

We are unique as we not only provide online learning and learning resources but individualise our learning through live sessions, coaching and community building.

What kind of communities are included here?

We have a range of communities. We have communities for creative parenting, for early childhood educators, for special education teachers and for parents with children with a disability.

Do you develop and provide customised workshops

Apart from our standard online learning courses, we customise workshops based on the needs of organisations or communities. Do get in touch with us.

What strategies do you use to foster community building?

Each month we organise a life virtual group meeting for each community, in which we feature artists, invite peer critiques, and provide creative ideas. For parents we provide ideas for at home. For all communities we engage in online social and creative events to encourage interaction and mutual support.

Do you develop customised learning resources ?

Yes, based on the needs of the individual or organisation we develop and build customised learning resources.

How and when do you avail support?

You can contact us by email at any time you like.

Get in touch with us!

We'd love to hear from you. Please, fill out this form.